Location & Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Do you have any previous experience(s)? I was a Moderator on 3 other Servers.
Do should we choose you for this position?I think you should Choose me because, i have had past experience with being a Mod. I know how to keep cool and not to get to uptight with people. I always follow the rules, and, i also can help with people, if someone is having an issue i can 65% of the time help resolve this problem
(optional)Extra: Uhmm, nothing i can think of at this moment
*In-Game Name
Location & Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Do you have any previous experience(s)? I was a Moderator on 3 other Servers.
Do should we choose you for this position?I think you should Choose me because, i have had past experience with being a Mod. I know how to keep cool and not to get to uptight with people. I always follow the rules, and, i also can help with people, if someone is having an issue i can 65% of the time help resolve this problem
(optional)Extra: Uhmm, nothing i can think of at this moment
*In-Game Name